For over 50 years, CONPANCOL has completed projects in the industry, including in-shop equipment manufacturing and construction, assembly, and operational start-up for industrial plants.

Our experience includes the engineering, equipment provision, and construction of Colombia’s four most important sulfuric acid plants for the companies:
- Monómeros Colombo – Venezolanos
- Ecopetrol
- Química Básica Colombiana
- Industrias Básicas de Caldas

The following is a partial list of other projects executed by CONPANCOL/PANAMINT:
Industrias Básicas de Caldas | Sulfuric acid plant | Colombia | Turnkey |
Hoechst Colombiana | Aluminum hydroxychloride plant | Colombia | Detailed engineering, technical specifications for assembly; equipment manufacturing and assembly |
Fosfatos del Huila | Phosphate manufacturing complex | Colombia | Basic design, studies for a pilot plant, technical specifications, budget |
Fosfatos de Colombia | Rock phosphate acidification plant | Colombia | Basic and detailed engineering; budget |
Ecopetrol | Equipment for sulfur plant | Colombia | Manufacturing of Claus converter, exchanger, drums, and strippers (Foster-Wheler Technology) |
Ecopetrol | H2SO4 deaerator and separator | Colombia | Equipment manufacturing – Crane Technology – Cochrane |
Ecopetrol | Paraffin DAP plant expansion | Colombia | Detailed engineering |
Hoechst Colombiana | Penicillin plant | Colombia | Detailed engineering, technical specifications |
Pequiven | Drying tower for acid plant | Morón, Venezuela | Manufacturing and assembly |
P.T. Inda Kiat Pulp & Paper | Sulfuric acid plant | Perawang, Indonesia | Basic and detailed engineering, equipment, in-shop manufacturing, technical assistance for assembly |
Químicos del Cauca | Sulfonic acid plant | Colombia | Detailed engineering, construction and assembly; Ballestra Technology |
Procesadora Industrial Rio Seco | Magnesium sulfate and sulfuric acid plant | Perú | Basic and detailed engineering and industrial services, technical assistance and start-up |
Sherritt Technologies | Autoclave POX | Colombia | Technical services for an industrial costs study |
CONPANCOL, as a PANAMINT partner, has provided the company with services, including detailed engineering, procurement management, equipment manufacturing in the CONPANCOL shop, construction and assembly management, plant start-up, and training for plant operators, for sulfuric acid projects executed by PANAMINT in various countries such as Costa Rica, Guatemala, Venezuela, Chile, Canada, and Indonesia.
During the execution and development of projects, CONPANCOL has acquired extensive experience in:
- Basic and detailed engineering
- Consultancy and technical assistance
- Local and international procurement management
- Project management
- Civil engineering for the construction and assembly of industrial plants
- Preparation and mechanical completion acceptance
- Pre-commissioning and start-up
- Training of client personnel
- Technical advising on the operation and maintenance of executed projects
- Provision of local and imported equipment, price quotes, evaluation, technical selection and recommendations for equipment
- Manufacturing and provision of equipment constructed in the CONPANCOL workshop
Standards, norms and procedures:
When required by a client for project execution, CONPANCOL can use its own standards, norms and procedures, those of its associate PANAMINT, or those requested by the client in accordance with its technical requirements.