Boilers – Steam dome – Deaerators and water feeding systems
In the sulfuric acid plants, a large amount of heat is generated in the sulfur combustion furnace for SO2 production and it is required to cool these gases. This cooling is done in a boiler system in which steam is produced as a by-product, which makes the sulfuric acid plants very efficient energetically. These steam systems usually consist of:
- Steam dome
- Boilers
- Deaerators
- Water feeding pumps, powered by electric motor and steam turbine
- Economizers and over-heaters
- Chemical addition systems
- Generation of electric power
CONPANCOL has designed and built all these systems and equipment for more than 50 years.
- Boilers
- Steam dome
- Boiler motor-pumps
- Turbo-Pump Boilers
- Deaerator
- Chemical addition system